5 Tips For Pouring Up Impressions

Check out these tips to pour up crown impressions like a Pro!
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Whether it’s for your preclinical fixed course or lab work in D3/D4 clinic, accurately pouring up a crown impression is vital to fabricating the success of fabricating such for the patient. 


1. Take a #7 Wax Spatula and place red boxing and beading wax around the flash and margin of the crown impression–helping to maintain the flash and integrity of such.

2. Pour up your impression in Type IV Die Stone using a Vacu-Mix to blend the stone and ensure the removal of air bubbles.

3. Using the #7 spatula place the stone in the impression on the opposite side from your crown, allowing the vibrator to move the stone towards the impression and removing any excess air bubbles.

4. Allow the impression to properly set, waiting at least 1 hour before removing the pour up.

5. Take a hot water heater and pour hot water over the area of the crown to remove the red beading wax, allowing for easy access to pindex, ditch, and die.

Using these simple steps will not only ensure a great pour up of the impression, but make your life much easier when preparing the model for crown fabrication.

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