COVID-19 Saved Me from Jean


Do you ever have those patients, where you feel something is just a little…erm…off? Me too! This one goes out to Jean, a lovely single lady who has voted in more Presidential Elections than the years I’m alive. Well, Jean comes in for an RPD. I meet her, we go through treatment planning and discuss the options. Jean can’t afford a definitive RPD and settles for a TTP while she saves money. Appointment #1, nothing seems awry. Then comes appointment #2. Jean looks different. Dressed up, more makeup, thick lipstick (which is inherently a terrible idea, because you’ll leave looking like my dad after he ate 12 BBQ ribs at Texas Roadhouse). I digress. I comment that Jean looks dapper (in the most platonic way possible) and ask what the occasion is, noticing it’s more than her ‘normal.’ She responds, “Well, I wanted to look nice for you!” I joke back to lighten the mood, “I’ll be careful not to let you drool on the nice dress.”

Appointment #3 arrives. This time Jean is in the same get-up, but now has a low cut v-neck revealing far too much. I rush to place the patient bib and she starts chatting. I promise I’m not slow, she just won’t stop talking and I barely finish the insertion/adjustment in our 3 hour time-slot! We finally conclude, I dismiss her, and am walking her to the cashier when all the sudden she comes in for a WAY-TO-CLOSE hug. She whispers in my ear, “Can I take you out for lunch?” I politely decline and reluctantly said to reach out if she needs any further adjustments. I kid you not, she came back for 5 adjustments which I’m CERTAIN she did not need. All in all, thank god for COVID giving me a break so that when she does come back she will get assigned to my 3rd year clinic pair.

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